Saturday, March 18, 2017

Himalayan Wild Flowers through my Lens (Part - 3)

Now I'm here with my some more clicks of  the Wild & Beautiful Himalayan flowers.... 
Now I start'ed with ******Blue Poppy****** 

***Blue Poppy ***
Common name: Blue Poppy
Botanical name: Meconopsis Aculeata  
Family : Papaveraceae (Poppy Family)                                            
In the colorful world of flowers, where blue does not occur frequently, the Blue Poppy is a rare ornamental. It gorgeously decorates alpine meadows and the rock debris of moraine with flowers that come in lovely shades of blue and purple, often luminescent against snowy background, and always pleasing. They are slender-pedicure led, usually 4-petaled and measure 5 to 11 cm. across. The numerous golden-yellow stamens contrast well with the blue petals. Leaves are deeply and irregularly lobed, sparsely bristly haired; lobes usually rounded-toothed and widely spaced. The prickly herbaceous perennial, of the Poppy family, has narcotic poisonous roots. It is found from Kumaun Himalaya to Kashmir Himalaya at elevations of 3,000 to 4,500 meters. A postal stamp was issued by the Indian Postal Department, to commemorate this flower. & I was found It as Zanskar Himalaya region at my Mt. Ramjak Expedition.  

***Wallich's Rhodiola***
Common name: Wallich's Rhodiola
Botanical name: Rhodiola Wallichiana
Family : Crassulaceae (Sedum Family)
 Wallich's Rhodiola is a small succulent herb forming large clumps on rocks and open slopes. The plant has numerous erect stems, 15-30 cm tall, covered with numerous over-lapping fleshy linear leaves. Leaves are 2.5-3 cm long, remotely toothed. Flowers are pale yellow, bisexual, with lance-shaped petals. Petals are about 8 mm long, twice as long as the sepals. Fruit is red. Wallich's Rhodiola is found in the Himalayas, from Kashmir to Bhutan, at altitudes of 3000-4800 m. I was found it at Zanskar Himalaya & Kashmir Himalaya  to Flowering: Mainly June to September.

***Clustered Rhodiola***
Common name: Clustered Rhodiola
Botanical name: Rhodiola Fastigiata
Family: Crassulaceae (Sedum Family)
& With >>>
​***Himalayan Mini Sunflower***
Common name: Himalayan Mini Sunflower
Botanical name: Cremanthodium Ellisii
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)

Clustered Rhodiola is a perennial herb, found on rocks, cervices and grassy slopes of the Himalayas, from Pakistan to China, at altitudes of 3600-5500 m. Flowering stems are many on each rhizome, all UN-branched, erect, growing close and parallel to each other. The species name fastigiata means clustered and parallel. Old flowering stems are persistent, 6-17 cm long, 0.8-2 mm wide. Stem leaves are alternate, stalk less, entire, pointed or blunt, linear-ovate or narrowly ovate, 6-12 mm long 1-1.5 mm wide. Flowers arise on top of the stems, in compact crablike comes, 6-15 flowered. Bracts are like the stem leaves. Flowers are yellow or red, 4-5 parted, stalk 1-4 mm long. Sepals basally fused, entire, blunt, triangular-ovate or narrowly ovate, 2.5-3.5 x 0.5-1.5 mm. Petals are entire, blunt, narrowly elliptic, narrowly ob ovate, linear-ob lance oblate, 3.5-6 x 1-1.8 mm. Flowering: June-August. 
I was found it several part of Himalayas in India​ & it's very common in the Himalaya.​

​Himalayan Mini Sunflower is a perennial herb growing to 1 foot tall. It bears yellow, sunflower-like flowers, 4-7 cm across, with dark centers. These flowers are solitary, looking down, with dark disk-florets and narrow elliptic ray-florets 2.5 cm long. The flowers are borne on stout stems with oblong stem-clasping leaves. Leaves at the base are oblong blunt, 5-12 cm long, with obscure, widely-spaced teeth. The leaf-stalk is long and winged. Himalayan Mini Sunflower occurs at high altitudes of 3500-4800 m, on screes, open slopes in the Himalayas, from Kashmir to SE Tibet. Flowering: July-September. I was found this Sunflower during my Mt. Ramjak Expedition, in between Base Camp to Camp -1.

***Himalayan Fritillary***
Common name: Himalayan Fritillary.  
Botanical name: Fritillaria Roylei.    
Family: Liliaceae (Lily family)

In the year of 2015, I was my Mt. Nandaghunti Expedition, I was found this flower at Transit Camp No 2. Named Khal-Dhar. This Himalayan Fritillary is a herbaceous plant, 0.5-2 ft tall, commonly found in alpine slopes and shrubberies of the Himalayas, from Pakistan to Uttarakhand, at altitudes of 2700-4000 m. Flowers are yellowish-green to brownish-purple and usually with a chequered pattern in dull purple. Flowers are broadly bell-shaped, hanging looking down, borne singly on the stems, but sometimes in groups of 2-4. Petals are narrow-ovate. 4-5 cm long. Leaves are linear-lace like, often long-pointed, 5-10 cm, arrange oppositely or in whorls of 2-6 on the stem. Flowering: June-July. 
Medicinal uses: The bulb is supposedly antiasthma tic, ant rheumatic, and febrifuge, galactogogue, haemostatic, ophthalmic and oxytocic. It is boiled with orange peel and used in the treatment of TB and asthma.

***Wallich's Rhodiola***
Common name: Wallich's Rhodiola
Botanical name: Rhodiola wallichiana 
Family: Crassulaceae (Sedum family)

As I am a Mountaineer I travel the core part of the Himalayas, & there I was found this flowers, but this Wallich's Rhodiola flower are founded at  several part of Indian Himalayas. It was clicked at my Mt, Ramjak Expedition.  Wallich's Rhodiola is a small succulent herb forming large clumps on rocks and open slopes. The plant has numerous erect stems, 15-30 cm tall, covered with numerous overlapping fleshy linear leaves. Leaves are 2.5-3 cm long, remotely toothed. Flowers are pale yellow, bisexula, with lance-shaped petals. Petals are about 8 mm long, twice as long as the sepals. Fruit is red. Wallich's Rhodiola is found in the Himalayas, from Kashmir to Bhutan, at altitudes of 3000-4800 m. Flowering: June-September.

***Fernleaf Yarrow***
Common name: Fernleaf Yarrow
Botanical name: Achillea filipendulina 

Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower family)

When I was found it at the corner of a Bolder, I was shocked, at that time I thought this flower must be a Cauliflower, & it's must be a Himalayan version, After back to my home I'm found I was wrong. My friend says It is  Fernleaf Yarrow, is an ornamental plant, grows to 4 ft high, and the foliage, though fern-like, has an untidy appearance, from the irregular way in which it is disposed. It is herbaceous, and comes from the Caucasus. The flowers are somewhat singular, arranged in corymbs of a multiplex character; they are very large, often 5 inch across. The smaller corymbs are arched or convex, causing the cluster or compound corymb to present an uneven surface; the small flowers are of rich old gold color, and have the appearance of knotted gold cord; they are very rigid, almost hard. The leaves are linear, pinnate, lobed and serrated, hairy, rough, and numerously produced. 
The flowers claim a prominent position in a cut state; they are truly rich, the undulating corymbs have the appearance of embossed gold plate, and their antique color and form are compared to gold braid by a lady who admires "old-fashioned" flowers. It will last for several weeks after being cut, and even out of water for many days. 

***Perfumed Passion Flower***
Common name: Perfumed Passion Flower, 
                           Grape Leaved Passion Fruit
Botanical name: Passiflora Vitifolia 
Family: Passifloraceae (Passion flower family)

In the year of 2016 on 14th February, i was on a Biking Expedition from Howrah (My Home Town) to Purulia  to Jharkhand, I was found this flower at the border of West Bengal & Jharkhand, It's named Perfumed Passion Flower is a vine, native to Central and South America. The vine has cylindrical stems covered in red-brown hairs when young. The leaves are three-lobed, up to 15 cm long and 18 cm broad. The common name and the species name vitiation is derived from the shape of leaves resembling that of grape leaves. The flowers are stunning, bright red, up to 9 cm diameter. The flowers are fragrant too. This is only one of the many existing red passion-flowers. 

***Clustered Rhodiola*** 
Common name: Clustered Rhodiola
Botanical name:
Rhodiola fastigiata 
Family: Crassulaceae (Sedum family)

Clustered Rhodiola is a perennial herb, found on rocks, cervices and grassy slopes of the Himalayas, from Pakistan to China, at altitudes of 3600-5500 m. I was found it at my several Mountaineering expedition. It's Flowering stems are many on each rhizome, all unbranded, erect, growing close and parallel to each other. The species name stigmata means clustered and parallel. Old flowering stems are persistent, 6-17 cm long, 0.8-2 mm wide. Stem leaves are alternate, stalk less, entire, pointed or blunt, linear-ovate or narrowly ovate, 6-12 mm long 1-1.5 mm wide. Flowers arise on top of the stems, in compact crablike cycles, 6-15 flowered. Bracts are like the stem leaves. Flowers are yellow or red, 4-5 parted, stalk 1-4 mm long. Sepals basally fused, entire, blunt, triangular-ovate or narrowly ovate, 2.5-3.5 x 0.5-1.5 mm. Petals are entire, blunt, narrowly elliptic, narrowly ob-ovate, linear-counterbalance, 3.5-6 x 1-1.8 mm. Flowering: June-August. 

Here is the end of this episode... 

I must back with more some beautiful Flowers with my next publication. 

Note : If you like my work, then please forward the link towards your friends, families, colleague's... 

Thanks for those who Inspire me to sow it the world & those who help me with the information's to. 

Now I'm waiting for your valuable suggestion as comments. & If you found any wrong identification of this flowers please inform me. 

Thank You,
See you soon.


  1. Your talent for photography is just amazing.youve captured some of the rarest flowers in the world and I'm happy to be able to see considering this my vacation in the
    Himalayans through your eyes.keep up the great work

    1. Sorry for late reply!!

      Thank you so much dear!! I feel amazing to see you that you are happy to see my photography!! A Big thank you!!

      I'm here to welcome you to India!! I'll guided you Indian Wild Himalayas, with Wild Flowers!!

      Thank you!!
