Sunday, December 11, 2016

Himalayan Wild Flowers through my Lens (Part -1)

Wild Flowers from Himalayas.. (1st Part)

Hodgson's Rhododendron  : Is a shrub or small tree, up to 7 m tall, growing in forests in the Himalayas at 3000-4000 m. Leaves up to 24 cm long, silvery to brownish, matted beneath, oblong elliptic to inverted-lance shaped. Leaves are very leathery, and the leaf stalk is stout. Flowers are up to 4 cm long, pink to purple or reddish, waxy, with a few darker blotches within. The are borne in compact clusters of 15-20 flowers, usually 15-20 cm across. Flowering: April-June. 
           I found it at Outer line of Nanda Devi Sanctuary during my Mt. Nandaghunti Expedition. 

Pink Brass : It is a dwarf shrub, commonly found at an altitude of 2800-4000m. The leaves of this species are elliptic to ovate in shape. Flowers whitish to pale-rose and often spotted.
                              Pic clicking by me during my Mt. Nandaghunti Expedition.

Bureavii : Bureavii is a medium-sized evergreen shrub with handsome glossy dark green leaves thickly felted with rusty-brown, very noticeable on the young growth. Pink buds open to bell-shaped white flowers 4cm in width

                                 Pic clicking by me during my Mt. Nandaghunti Expedition.


  1. Nice photos and informations the post should have been a little longer

    1. Ok!! I must try to do that!! & By the way thanks!!

  2. Where did u collect these resources and raw materials from?
    Finding the name of a flower in English is not an easy task to perform.

    1. Actually I'm a nature & Mountain lover!! so most of this flowers are from different sector of the Mountain.
